Log: Swim Pacific

[DAY 108] The rocking boat

The strong rocking of the boat woke me up this morning. The wind had picked up overnight and big waves were crashing into us. We had 24 knots of wind and it was not a condition the dinghy could handle. We waited to see how the wind would evolve. After a couple of hours, the wind speed had only decreased a couple of knots and it was still not possible to use the dinghy.

I decided to swim beside Seeker knowing that I would only be able to do that for a few hours. I would rather spend a few hours swimming in rough conditions than spending my entire day on the boat. While we were getting ready, the wind suddenly dropped to below 20 knots and the waves weren’t breaking as much. So we went back to the dinghy configuration and Ty and Maria were on it.

They stopped me in the first hour to retrieve a grey buoy. As I got closer to it, I looked under the surface and didn’t see any fish. I picked it up and passed it on to Ty. This would be an addition to our growing collection of buoys.

Before going into the water this morning, we were 124 miles from our 1000 miles milestone. Yesterday morning we were 130 miles away from our milestone and I swam 24 miles but I was pushed toward the south which gave me only a 6 miles progress to the east. I hoped the 19 miles I covered today would be more to the east and bring me closer to our 1000 miles milestone.


Weather conditions:
Overcast (could coverage 6/8)
Wind speed: 15-20 kts
Wind direction: W
Waves height: 1-2m
Waves direction: SSW
Water temperature: 27.4°C

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