Log: Swim Pacific

[DAY 30] Tangled streamline

Today, the winds had picked up and the waves were too big to swim with the RHIB, so we set up Seeker with a pole and the streamline. The sea drogue was also deployed behind to reduce the speed of the boat.
After about an hour of swimming, the sea drogue got tangled up in the streamline, I tried to separate them but I was unsuccessful. The pressure built so much that one of the lines snapped and before the rest of the installation broke, the crew let the sea drogue and the streamline loose.

Everything was free in the water, I stayed by the tangled mess and tried to save it from sinking. I dove to retrieve the sinking streamline and felt a sharp pain in my left ear. Fortunately, I was able to get it but didn’t have anything to attach it to. I looked around me and saw a round floating piece of debris. I swam to get it, it was the perfect object; a black buoy with loops. I used it to secure my line and prevent it from sinking. This was the first time I was happy to find a piece of plastic floating in the ocean.


6 thoughts on “[DAY 30] Tangled streamline

  1. C’est un projet très audacieux ! Vous êtes une équipe formidable ! Continuez à prendre bien soin de vous, de mon fils Benoît et de mon petit fils Paul. Vous avez toute mon admiration. Good luke. Bon vent. Mamilie

  2. Hi Ben, Thank you for sharing …. another eventful day for you. Thank goodness for that piece of plastic … right place at the right time…… what a confirmation that you are well taken care of. I hope your ear is all fine.

    Blessed be your journey!!!

  3. Hi Ben!
    I was swimming 2500 m. in the swimmingpool thinking on your adventure. You’re oure hero! From Catalonia… good journey

  4. Hello Dear Ben Lecomte from Kazakhstan !
    I and many people admire you Ben and your actions. We hard believe that you will reach your purpose and will prove Mind is more importantly than physical needs. Good luck Ben. We are watching for your achievements from here, Kazakhstan!

  5. Bravo à Benoit et bonjour à Paul et à toute l’équipe !
    Grace à tes parents , Paul, nous allons suivre votre aventure avec beaucoup d’intérêt , même si nous pensons très fort que vous êtes tous un peu fous 🙂
    Anne, Dominique, Etienne , Edouard et les chats !

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