Log: Swim Pacific

[DAY 63] Every day I swim is a day to celebrate because: 

Every day I swim is a day to celebrate because:

Every day I swim is another chance to get people’s attention.

Every day I swim I hope to inspire them to take action.

Every day I swim we contribute to learning more about our ocean.

Every day I swim is a new adventure.

Every day I swim I am where no one has been before.

Every day I swim I have a chance to encounter amazing sea life.

Every day I swim I learn more about myself.

Every day I swim I discover new limits.

Every day I swim challenges my comfort zone.

Every day I swim I am in pain and so much alive.

Every day I swim I enter my parallel universe.

Every day I swim motivates me for the next day.

Every day I swim is a humbling experience.

Every day I swim inspires me to serve a greater purpose.

Every day I swim I am grateful for my amazing support team.

But every day I swim reminds me I am the weakest link.

7 thoughts on “[DAY 63] Every day I swim is a day to celebrate because: 

  1. Ah but it is your vision that inspires those around you and those following your journey. Thank you. Sometimes it is only a tiny or frail light that yet allows us to see our way.

  2. Dear Ben,

    Thank you for your Insights and Vision.
    Sometimes the assumed weak link that is the one Important for endurance and light.
    You are in contact with the transcendent!

  3. Every day you swim takes each of us a little further in our own fight
    Every day you swim we delight in your writing
    Every day you swim brings us a new motive of wonder
    Every day you swim discloses an unsuspected surprise for each of us
    Every day you swim our horizon becomes larger
    Every day you swim we feel more connected and engaged
    Every day you swim we receive courage to take action
    Each day you swim we grow more responsible for our Ocean
    Every day you swim we learn to love Sea Life
    Paula and Ines

  4. Great Post today, Ben, and wonderful responses from folks following you!
    I completely agree, that perceived weakness can actually be incredible strength!

    “I am thankful for my struggle because, without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.” – Alex Elle.

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