Log: Swim Pacific

[DAY 75] Back at sea

Finally we are back at sea. Three days ago, our on land weather routing team gave us a glimpse of hope when they emailed us their latest weather report. It was not quite the report we were looking for but it gave a small weather window that we had to take the chance.

When we left we knew that if the two systems coming our way changed their speed and direction we could possibly have to turn back to land again. So the first 24 hours were critical.

We encountered our first challenge as soon as we left the Yokohama Bayside Marina. As we raised the main sail one of the sliders broke. The sliders hold the sail on a track that is attached to the mast, without them the sail can’t be used. Fortunately the broken slider was located toward the bottom of the sail, so for the moment we keep the sail not fully raised.

Twelve hours after our departure we got an update on our weather report. The systems that threatened our progression were moving more toward the west than expected. This means that we have more time to sail to the east and reach an area with less tropical activities. At the moment we are still in their path ways and could be in great danger if one becomes a typhoon and comes right below us. We are sailing as fast as we can toward the east and our weather window is still holding.


5 thoughts on “[DAY 75] Back at sea

  1. Dear Ben & team,
    Hopefully you’ll be swimming soon, keep safety and go on with your incredible mission!

  2. Good luck, Ben and Team. Hoping the weather holds out for you over the Pacific and that you are soon able to resume your Swim.

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