Log: The Vortex

[Day 50] Float on

As of today, we have been at sea for 50 days and I have swum 265 nautical miles, but we still have about a month before we will see land.
We have planned to spend another week in a new location at the core of the garbage patch. After we will start sailing north to the subtropical front.
We have started exchanging ideas with our team on land and Icebreaker for the arrival and collaborating on a schedule.
The repair of our mainsail has been an ongoing project. With the sail laying on deck I decided to take a break from my swim and help Yoav today. Each one of us was on one side of the sail passing a needle back and forth through a hole while Yoav was pushing through a bigger needle that he was holding with a pair of pliers. It was a slow process and we were still far from finishing, but we decided to call it a day.
Later Corbin spotted a big yellow form far in the distance, Yoav changed our course and pointed I Am Ocean in its direction. 
After a few minutes, we arrived and found a big pile of ropes and many yellow floats all knotted up together. Hannah, Corbin, Josh and I went on the first dinghy ride. We jumped in the water and found below it hundreds of fish; mahi-mahi, other smaller ones, and a big marlin chasing them. A turtle checked us out and moved slowly out of the way. Josh speared 2 fish that ended up being dinner for us. After dinner I decided to climb on the pile – I was even able to stand on it. After the second dinghy ride joined us, we all climbed on it for pictures. It definitely looked like this pile was intentionally put together and left behind, no net was attached to it, it was only made of heavy ropes and large floats.

  33°41 N / 147°17 W


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Photo credits @joshmunoz & @sea.marshall

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